ABOUT Bella Bagno Inc.®
Bella Bagno Inc.® was established in 1986. Our primary purpose is to improve the sanitary conditions of facilities in order to provide a safe, hygienic environment. Initially, Bella Bagno Inc.®. tested and developed the Hygolet® Sanitary System to address these conditions. We now maintain partnerships and customize programs with multiple manufacturers of highly effective sanitary and safety products that fit a wide variety of facilities. Bella Bagno Inc.®. serves these facilities in an effort to provide a clean, sanitary experience for everyone who uses them.
Some of our Customers include:
Medical Buildings
Health Clubs
Nursing Homes
Convention Centers
Stadiums and Arenas
Auditoriums and Theaters
Office Buildings
Shopping Centers
Manufacturing Facilities
Schools & Universities
Park Districts
Hotels & Resorts
Association Memberships
American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE)
Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA)
International Association of Assembly Management (IAAM)
National Indian Gaming Association (NIGA)
National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO)
WBE Minority Certifications
City of Chicago
Illinois Department of Central Management
Women’s Business Development Center
Cook County, Illinois
State of Indiana Department of Administration
State of Arizona
Women’s Business Enterprise Certification Program Great Lakes (WBEC)
Women’s Business Development Center Illinois (WBDC)
- We like to do business with our customers in a very personal way. That means, rather than hiding behind a website, we want to have a personal interaction with you. This is our way of serving long-term satisfied customers. You are more than just an account number to us. We want to engage you in conversation and help you find the best and cost-efficient solutions to your needs.
- We want to avoid risk. For the very reason we have above, the second reason why we don’t take order online is for safety. We want to protect our customers records. Although technology has made it more convenient for customers to purchase online, there is always a risk of compromise. Too often we hear about companies having their customer’s credit card information hacked. So, to keep you happy and as part of our personal service, we have opted not to offer online ordering.
We believe that both of these reasons will encourage you to do business with us. We are here to help.